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We are fortunate to work with partners – individuals, foundations, financial institutions, and brands – who share our passion and vision. Together, we are helping our communities get the help they need. Loving Hands thanks the following supporters for their generosity and continued support.

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If you'd like to support us, contact us here. To make a tax-deductible donation, please do so here. Thank you! 

Mara Bickett

Captain Billy Brockway

Gena Brooks

Pamela Burnett-Marcus

Errin Burns

Victoria Castillo

Seargent David Childress

Rachael Denny

Rebecca Denny

Joe Diller

Jamie Giacchino

Beth and Todd Gindy

Lee Graham

Cody Heller

Sloane Heller

Steven Heller

Vicki Hodges

Melvin & April Jackson

Lesley Lasker

Gayle Leiker

Joan and Stuart Levin

Stephanie and Thomas Levin

Anthony Marsh

Judy Marsh

Kathy Lindboe and Pete McCain

Lourie Moulton

Scott Obler

Valerie and Paul Presburger

Ursula Quinn

Cathy Reece

Ronni Rice

Deborah Riddle

Stacy Ross

Lisa and Danny Sabah

Mimi Slavin

Linda Smith

Brenda Tippins

Gregory and Regina Annenberg Weingarten

© 2017 by Loving Hands Community Care, Inc. 501(c)3  EIN 47-4233639 

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